The Joy Luck Club is a novel written by Amy Tan, and tells the story of four Chinese immigrants and their four daughters, who forms a club- The Joy Luck Club. In the club they play mahjong for money, and the book is structured much like the game. With four parts, divided into sixteen chapters and sixteen different stories- all related but told from a different point of view.
I have now read the first chapters of the book, and I must say it's really interesting and catchy. I am not really a "reader", I don't read many books a year, and when i do it's mostly biographies etc, but I am looking forward to reading the rest!
Happy new year!
I have now read the first chapters of the book, and I must say it's really interesting and catchy. I am not really a "reader", I don't read many books a year, and when i do it's mostly biographies etc, but I am looking forward to reading the rest!
Happy new year!
Glad you like it! Thank you for explaining how the book is set up like the game. I had no idea!